single line drawing of person talking about curly hair salvation

Curly Hair Salvation

Most have spent far too much time and money traversing the daunting minefield of curly hair products, a landscape littered with an abundance of redundant offerings that always promise curly hair salvation yet often deliver bottled disappointment. These colourful plastic investments then huddle together like orphaned children in an exiled product purgatory under the basin sink. They are too expensive to throw out, yet not near good enough to be accepted into the main performance troupe. Thus, your quest to find the ‘holy grail’ continues.

There are two main reasons people looking for a curly hairdresser in Melbourne struggle with finding the ‘right’ curly hair product for their hair. Firstly, people can easily fall down the slippery slopes of social media. Often, that slide results in a fixation on unrealistic beauty expectations. Investing too much time following and scrolling can readily create a belief that curly hair salvation comes from purchasing additional cosmetics. Unfortunately, that isn’t healthy, nor is it true.

"Every week my clients realise that greater contentment comes from a supportive haircut rather than from layers of expensive curly hair products."

The other reason for dissatisfaction with the curly hair products you’ve already purchased is that your haircut isn’t supportive of what you’re trying to achieve. If curly hair isn’t cut well, products are far less likely to work. There’s no denying that fact. Hair cosmetics are developed to support a well-executed shape. They have a much more difficult time propping up a haircut that is triangled, flat, shapeless, or out of balance.

Every week my clients realise that greater contentment comes from a supportive haircut rather than from layers of expensive curly hair cosmetics. That is why I push back against the dominant narrative. When it comes to hair cosmetics, most spend far too much time and money searching for something that isn’t likely to solve the primary cause of their frustration. A great haircut must be independently flattering—without product—for the application of products to have any chance at doing what they are supposed to do. Ultimately, curly hair salvation always starts with scissors, not with products.