outline of curly hair woman looking for curly hair information

Curly Hair Resources

More than ever, women with curly hair go online seeking trustworthy information. Invariably, they seek guidance from someone with genuine expertise—not a blogger, influencer, or other individual whose primary intentions are selling products. Alternatively, they seek a curly hairdresser who can help where others have failed. Unfortunately, an increasing number of websites pollute search results with useless information regarding curly hair. As a result, here are some essential resources to assist with your research and journey.

With so many hairdressers and curly hair salons falsely claiming they are specialists or experts, finding a hairdresser with genuine expertise for curly hair in Melbourne is often difficult. Let me try to help avoid further disappointment.

How did I get here? From Hollywood to Collingwood, I share my journey to becoming a trustworthy and reliable curly hairdresser in Melbourne. Indeed, those are my curls from the 1980s!

Frizzy hair got you down? Do you dread those days when the weather is unkind? There’s no need to hide indoors or wear your hair up. Discover the real solution to frizz and how to live better with it.

What’s better than reading online reviews for curly hair salons? For some, it’s communicating directly to existing clients and hearing about their experiences. Additionally, some may even share photos!

Curly hair salvation or cult-ish indoctrination to sell products? While we are certainly past peak CGM, many are still being manipulated. As a result, here’s the original blog post that led to CGM community hate mail.

Despite what’s seen on social media, finding curly hair salvation has little to do with obsessing over and purchasing the right products. Instead, allow me to help you find the way to lasting happiness.

Here I share insights and principles regarding a 30-year career as an independent haircutting professional. The short episodes provide an alternative for those who prefer to listen rather than read the articles on this website.