One of the first things people notice about my online presence is that there are no photos of my work on this website or any of the popular social media apps. While that well-considered decision might be unpopular or frustrating, there is much more to this topic than most people realise. First, my clients are a multicultural mix of Anglo, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, and Pacific Islanders—aged 20s to 70s, Attempting to photograph what I do would be a tedious task that I do not have the time for during or after a booking. Also, posting photos would likely alienate those who feel their demographic is not sufficiently represented.
Ultimately, hairdressing photos are riddled with bias, something that is necessary to avoid as much as possible. Most important though, I work with a number of individuals who have a variety of personal and private situations. They represent public or political personalities to camera shy and Transgender through anxiety challenges, neurodiversity, pre and post-chemotherapy, Alopecia and Trichotillomania.
These individuals desperately search online for someone who might be different from the rest. They seek someone who might have a private space that wouldn’t cause them the sensory or otherwise emotional distress a typical hair salon would. Providing an Instagram feed full of redundant, perfectly styled images is exactly the sort of thing that would make them quickly gloss over what I am offering. Most of all, I respect my client’s rights to privacy and anonymity.
Those looking online for a hairdresser with true specialist expertise seek someone who can give them an exceptional haircut. Social media photos and videos cannot verify this. They are carefully curated moments in time designed to generate a favourable emotional response. As such, it’s often difficult for the viewer to determine if the haircut will look equally flattering once home without all the products and styling efforts.
Prospective clients are ultimately looking for something to give them confidence before making a booking. Social media photos can sometimes provide a sense of creative expression, but they don’t always tell the whole story regarding the quality of work presented. Thus, I prefer to provide clients with confidence through well-considered and transparently conveyed principles and perspectives. After that, client reviews are tremendously helpful in validating prior experiences.
Ultimately, I will not be a perfect fit for everyone, and I am okay with that. It is a foolish endeavour to try and attract every type of client, regardless of their hair type or needs. It’s entirely misleading to state that you are great at everything for everyone. No one can be. My studio, service, and online presence will align with a particular type of individual and the challenges they often have. For them, I am here to help.
Level 1/94 Smith Street Collingwood, VIC 3066
[email protected] | 0433 359 478
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